PUTAJ Humanities and Social Science
<p>PUTAJ - Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS) is the official journal of Peshawar University Teachers' Association (PUTA) being published bi-annually since 1995. It publishes quality research work in humanities and social sciences. It is an open access, peer-reviewed and refereed journal published by Peshawar University Teachers’ Association.</p> <p>The journal is published in both print and online versions. PUTAJ - HSS publishes original papers, review papers, conceptual framework, analytical and simulation models, case studies and empirical research. Special Issues devoted to important topics in humanities and social science will occasionally be published. PUTAJ - Humanities and Social Sciences welcomes contributions from scholars around the world, with original, insightful and challenging articles on the relevant themes.</p>Peshawar University Teachers' Associationen-USPUTAJ Humanities and Social Science2617-1368<p>PUTAJ-Humanities and Social Sciences by <a href="http://journals.uop.edu.pk/journal_detail.php?journal_id=25">PUTA</a> is licensed under a <a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/">Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License</a>.<br />Based on a work at <a href="http://journals.uop.edu.pk/journal_detail.php?journal_id=25">http://journals.uop.edu.pk/journal_detail.php?journal_id=25#</a>.<br />Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at <a href="http://journals.uop.edu.pk/journal_detail.php?journal_id=25">http://journals.uop.edu.pk/journal_detail.php?journal_id=25#</a>.</p>Aesthetics of Beauty in Dramatic Discourse of W. Shakespeare's Plays
<p>This research identifies and traces the concept of aesthetics of both beauty and ugliness in W. Shakespeare's plays in the light of aesthetic and critical conceptualizing the opposite binaries. The research offers a preface to identify the concept of binary oppositions in Shakespeare's plays; it thematically discusses the aspects of both ugliness and beauty of the major dynamic characters and actions. Meanwhile, the research addresses the significance of the aesthetic quality of beauty for realizing the implications of the aesthetics of ugliness within a modern receptionist theatrical context and aesthetic appreciation.</p>Abdullah Hussein Kurraz
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2021-06-282021-06-28272112Psychosocial Impacts of Covid-19 on Society with a special focus on Women and Special Persons
<p>The study aims to explore the impacts of COVID-19 on women and special persons who<br>are the most marginalized sections of the society. In addition, the study examines the<br>effects of pandemic on the psycho-social conditions of the people with the help of<br>published literature including newspapers, research journals, UN reports and other<br>online sources. The study summarizes that this pandemic has added to the existing<br>problems of general public especially women and disabled population in all the affected<br>nations of the world. Due to their weak physical and social status, the number of patients<br>has increased in Pakistan, leading to their increased death ratio. This pandemic has also<br>led to increase in psychological problems resulting in increased number of cases of<br>domestic violence and suicides. In addition, incapability and lack of resources on the<br>part of the government are also contributing factors to the increase in their problems.<br>The study suggests that in order to overcome the problems of this venerable segment of<br>the society, the governments, community and civil society organizations should come<br>forward and protect them in this difficult time.</p>Sajjad HussainAmir alam
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2020-12-152020-12-152721323Evaluation of Forced and Smart-Lockdown against COVID-19 Hazardand its Impacts on Different Age Groups and Labor in Pakistan
<p>This article is an attempt to analyze different phases of lockdown in Pakistan with<br>the aim to know about its effectiveness against COVID-19 and seek affordable<br>alternative. In the first phase Pakistan observed complete lockdown that was very<br>effective, but due to its bad impacts on labor community it was not possible to<br>continue it for a long time. In the second phase, the lockdown was relaxed to<br>partial lockdown. Some increase in covid-19 cases was observed with more<br>recovery and few deaths. Therefore, the lockdown was relaxed further to smart<br>lockdown. In this phase selected shops and businesses were re-opened with the<br>idea to allow the daily wage labor to work. The decision was welcomed, but a big<br>increase was observed in covide-19 cases along with increase in deaths and<br>recoveries. Data revealed that people with the age of 20-34 years were infected<br>the most, while death rate was high in old age. As labor community was affected<br>the most during forced lockdown, therefore, was not an affordable option. To<br>make the smart lockdown continue in effective manner, financial assistance of Rs.<br>12000/- was given to the labor community. It was concluded that the smart<br>lockdown along with financial assistance, was effective to some extent, but can’t<br>be presented as preventive measure against COVID-19. It was recommended to<br>keep the smart lockdown continue along with force-lockdown in vulnerable areas<br>only. Also arrange and manage quarantine and isolation facilities for the<br>vulnerable and infected groups respectively till the arrival of proper treatment.</p>Lala RukhMohammad NafeesFarukh Khan
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2020-12-152020-12-152722535The Use of e-databases and e-journals by Research Scholars in Pakistani Universities: An Evaluative Study
<p>This research was conducted to achieve three objectives; 1) to investigate the usage and<br>acceptability of e-databases and e-journals among the research scholars in selected<br>universities of Pakistan, 2) to indicate the preferred information resource being used by<br>researchers, and 3) to explore barriers faced by them when consulting these resources<br>for research endeavors. Out of a total population of 4282, a sample of 1031 respondents<br>from four major disciplines were used for the study. The research tool used in the<br>collection of data was a closed ended questionnaire. Key findings of the study revealed<br>that most of the respondents accessed e-databases and e-Journals “2-3 times” a week,<br>and have widely accepted the “importance” of these resources in research activities. In<br>addition, the respondents usually preferred to use electronic databases, e-books and ejournals<br>(open access) over printed collection. Though, restrictions on e-resources, slow<br>internet connection, students’ awareness and training were the major obstacles in using<br>e-resources effectively.</p>Muhammad IsmailAmjid KhanShamshad Ahmed
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2020-12-152020-12-152723754Principal’s Leadership Styles and Teacher’s Job Satisfaction: A Correlational Study at Secondary Level in District Peshawar
<p>The main purpose of this quantitative study is to identify and explore the relationship between principals self-perceived and teacher’s perceived leadership styles and teachers’ job satisfaction as perceived by secondary schools teacher in Peshawar. Correlation analysis results are based on quantitative survey data from a sample of 25 principals and 230 teachers from 30 secondary schools. The correlation tests between principal’s leadership styles i.e. transactional leadership style scores have a positive correlation with teacher’s job satisfaction or high job satisfaction while laissez-faire leadership style score has negative correlation with teacher job satisfaction or low job satisfaction. The study recommended that there is need for school administration to practice Transactional Leadership style to enhance the overall satisfaction of teachers</p>Lal MuhammadAmjad RebaJalal Uddin
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2021-06-292021-06-292725567Cultural Background of the Languages Spoken in Swat
<p>Swat has it peculiar historical, geographical, and cultural position. It is a place where various cultures and civilizations developed. Many ethnic and linguistic groups are living in Swat. Presently, nine different indigenous languages are spoken in Swat. Besides these indigenous languages Urdu as national langufranca and English as international languafranca is also spoken to some extent. These nine indigenous languages include Pukhto (Pashto), Gujro (Gujri), Torwali, Gawri, Ushojo, Qashqari, Badeshi, Shina Kohistani, and Westren dialect of Kohistani. Among these languages the Ushojo and Badeshi are endangered languages. All of the languages spoken Swat have a common cultural background. This shared cultural background is the main cause of linguistic commonalities. Religion, national language, media, education system and many other factors created these linguistic commonalities. Pashto being language of the majority and market play a role of linguafranca among various linguistic groups of Swat. That is why Pashto language and Pashtun culture has also influenced these indigenous languages and cultures.This article attempts to introduce languages spoken in Swat along with shared cultural background of these languages.</p>Muhammad Ali Dinakhel
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2020-12-152020-12-152726978Chronicling Graphic Design Trends of Pakistan Postage Stamps (1948 – 2018)
<p>The paper aims to investigate and chronicle the graphic design trends of Pakistan<br>postage stamps by examining the stamps issued during the past seventy years (1948-<br>2018). The study mainly focuses on the modes of illustration and printing methods;<br>however, other design fades and significant features are also interpreted. The study<br>reveals that Pakistan postage stamps offer three obvious graphic trends; divided into eradefining<br>periods. Era-I (1948-64) is termed as line art, further split into monochromatic<br>(1948-54) and polychromatic (1955-64). Era-II (1965-70) is characterized by clipart and<br>halftone, whereas Era-III (1971-2018) is coined as photographic. Furthermore, almost<br>all stamps from 1948 to 1957 were printed in the intaglio process while gravure, serigraphy<br>and emboss techniques were also used for stamp printing. Majority of stamps,<br>particularly from 1970s, were printed in offset lithography.</p>Muhammad Sher Ali Khan
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