Psychosocial Impacts of Covid-19 on Society with a special focus on Women and Special Persons
A Literature Review
الكلمات المفتاحية:
Corona Virus، Covid-19، Women، Disabled، Impact، Stigma، Psychosocialالملخص
The study aims to explore the impacts of COVID-19 on women and special persons who
are the most marginalized sections of the society. In addition, the study examines the
effects of pandemic on the psycho-social conditions of the people with the help of
published literature including newspapers, research journals, UN reports and other
online sources. The study summarizes that this pandemic has added to the existing
problems of general public especially women and disabled population in all the affected
nations of the world. Due to their weak physical and social status, the number of patients
has increased in Pakistan, leading to their increased death ratio. This pandemic has also
led to increase in psychological problems resulting in increased number of cases of
domestic violence and suicides. In addition, incapability and lack of resources on the
part of the government are also contributing factors to the increase in their problems.
The study suggests that in order to overcome the problems of this venerable segment of
the society, the governments, community and civil society organizations should come
forward and protect them in this difficult time.
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