Petrology of a Hornblende-Rich Pegmatite and Host Amphibolites near Matta, Upper Swat.


  • M. Qasim Jan
  • M.U.K. Khattak


The 500x30m pegmatite near Matta consists of hornblende+ epidote+- garnet lithology and hornblendite, with a small proportion of leucocratic, deformed dykes and veins. J t is hosted by epidote amphibolites derived from gabbroic rocks md belonging to the southern amphibolite belt of the Kohistan zone. The hornblende-epidote lithology of the pegmatite is chemically identical to the amphibolites and is, therefore, neither a younger intrusion in nor a metasomatic product of the amphibolites. The coarse-grained fabric of the pegmatite may have developed locally in response to a higher concentration of fluid phase, mainly water but some fluorine. The hornblendite, which is coarser grained (with zip to 35cm long crystals) and may cut the hornblende-epidote lithology, may be a product of meramorphic differentiation or, more likely, metasomatism. The ampbhibolites are tholeiitic in affinity and probably represent the Tethyan oceanic crust.


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How to Cite

Jan, M. Q., & Khattak, M. (1983). Petrology of a Hornblende-Rich Pegmatite and Host Amphibolites near Matta, Upper Swat. Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences, 16(1), 31-41. Retrieved from