High-P Rocks Along the Suture Zones Around Indo-Pakistan Plate and Phase Chemistry of Blueschists from Eastern Ladakh


  • M. Qasim Jan NCE & Department of Geology, University of Peshawar


The Indus-Zangbo suture zone (IZS), the Indoburman suture zone and the Chaman Fault are the traces of major collisional boundaries between the Indo-Pakistan plate and Eurasian block, Gondwanic microcontinents or island arcs. These suture zones are characterized in several places by ophiolites and tectonic melanges. High-P metamorphic rocks, generally belonging to blueschist facies, have recently been discovered along the suture zones in Naga hills, southern Tibet, eastern and western Ladakh, Swat and Afghanistan. The High-P metamorphism probability occurred during the Late Cretaceous/Paleocene. In the IZS it is complemented by low- to medium-P metamorphism to the north, suggesting a northward dip for the subduction zone. Along the southern margin of the Kohistan arc near Jijal, immediately N of IZS, gabbroic rocks were metamorphosed to High-P garnet granulites at a depth of > 40 km about 100 m.y. ago.

Detailed investigations, based on whole rock- and 188 point, analyses in three sections, suggest that metabasites in the eastern Ladakh ophiolite melange are ocean floor basalts metamorphosed under blueschist facies conditions. They are mineralogically similar to high-grade blueschists of other areas and contain sodic, sodic-calcic and calcic amphiboles, epidote, chlorite, albite, phengite, paragonite, garnet, quartz, futile, calcite, and magnetite. The PT trajectory suggests that the metamorphic conditions culmiated around 370-480 oC, 7-8 kbar and subsequent retrogression, possibly during uplift, took place at similar temperature but lower (6-4 kbar) pressure.


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How to Cite

Jan, M. Q. (1985). High-P Rocks Along the Suture Zones Around Indo-Pakistan Plate and Phase Chemistry of Blueschists from Eastern Ladakh. Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences, 18(1), 1-40. Retrieved from http://ojs.uop.edu.pk/jhes/article/view/1281