Regional Characterization and Resource Evaluation of Paleocene and Eocene Coal-bearing Rocks in Pakistan


  • N.A. Durrani U.S. Agency International Development, Islamabad
  • P.D. Warwick U.S, Geological Survey, Islamabad


Field work drilling, and other related studies carried out from 1985 to 1988 to assess the quantity and quality of the coal resources of southern Sindh. Sixty-eight holes drilled in the Lakhra/Jherruck, Thatta, and Indus East coal fields indicate that presently known and mined coal fields in southern Sindh are not isolated coal occurrences. Rather, much of southern Sindh, including the Thar Desert, is underlain by strata that contain coal beds.

More than 400 core and mine samples were collected for proximate and ultimate analysis and determination of major, minor and trace elements; also, lithologic logs were prepared from description of rock cuttings and core. Original coal resources of 1,080 million tones have been estimated for 7 out of 9 coal zones in parts of the area, where coal-bed thicknesses range from a few centimeters to 5 m. In the Sonda/Jherruk area, 3, 700 million tons of coal have been identified, the thickest coal bed intercepted being 6.3 meters. The apparent rank of the coal in these fields ranges from lignite A to sub-bituminous C. Averaged analytical results on an as received basis indicate the coal beds contain 28.4 % moisture, 18.3 % ash, 4.7 % sulfur, 25.2 % fixed carbon, 27.9 % volatile matter, and 33.1 % oxygen. Average calorific value for Lakhra coal samples is about 3, 660 Kcal/kg, whereas that of Sonda/Jherruk samples is about 3,870 Kcal/kg. Geophysical logs were obtained for the drill holes, and cores and rock cuttings are available from the GSP for further study and reference.

The second phase of the project began in 1987 with surface exploration in the Salt Range coal field of Punjab Province, the Sor Range and Khost-Sharig-Harnai coal fields of Baluchistan, and the Makarwal and Cherat coal fields of NWFP. These are briefly discussed here.


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Landis, E.R., Reinemund, J.A., Cone, G.C., Schlick, D.P. & Kebbish, W., 1971. Analyses of Pakistan coals. GSP Proj. Rep. (IR)PK-58, 71p.

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Outerbridge, W.F., Fredericksen, NO., Khan, M.R, Khan, R.A., M.J., Khan, M.Z., Niamatullah & Khan, S.A., 1990. The Sohnari Formation in southern Pakistan. In Stratigraphic Notes, 1989. USGS Bull. 1935 (in press).

Planning Commission, 1987. Seventh Five Year Plan for period 1988-1993. Unpub. Rep. Govt. Pakistan, Ministry of Planning.

Pracha, S.R., 1990. Coal mining in Pakistan. In A.H. Kazmi & R.A. Siddiqi (eds.), Proceedings of a workshop on the significance of coal resources of Pakistan, Feb. 8-9, 1989, Karachi, Pakistan. GSP, Quetta 189-199.

SanFilipo, J.R., Khan, R.A. & Khan, S.A., 1988. Geology and coal resources with recommendations for future work. In S.P. Schweinfurth & F. Hussain (eds.), Coal resources of the Lakhra and Sonda coal fields, southern Sind Province, Pakistan. Part-II Geology, coal resources and coal quality. GSP Proj. rep. (IR)PK-82, 120p.

SanFilipo, J.R., Chandio, A.H., Khan, S.A. & Khan, R.A., 1989. Results of COALREAP drilling from January 1988 to February 1989, Jherruck area, Sonda coal field, Sind Province, Pakistan. GSP Proj. Rep. (IR)PK-85, 2 volumes.

SanFilipo, J.R., Khan, R.A. & Khan, S.A., 1990. Coal resources and geologic controls of the Lakhra and Sonda coal fields, Sind Province, Pakistan. In A.H. Kazmi & R.A. Siddiqi (eds.), Proceedings of a workshop on the significance of coal resources of Pakistan, Feb. 8-9, 1989, Karachi, Pakistan. GSP, Quetta 93-103.

SanFilipo, J.R., Wnuk, C., Fariduddin, F., Ahmad, M., Khan, S.A., Rahman, M., Chandio, A.H. & Khan, R.A, 1990. Potential for the occurrence of thick lignite deposits in the Thar Desert and Lower Indus Plain, Sind Province, Pakistan. USGS Open-File Rep. 90-XXX, (in press).

Schweinfurth, S.P. Husain, F., 1988. Coal resources of the Lakhra and Sonda coal fields, southern Sind Province, Pakistan. GSP Proj. Rep. (IR)PK-82, 6 volumes.

Schweinfurth, S.P., SanFilipo, J.R. & Simon, F.O., 1985. Plan for coal resource assessment drilling and activities, Sind Province, Pakistan. GSP Proj. Rep. (IR)PK-69, 28.

Shah, S.M.I., 1990. Coal resources of Balochistan, Pakistan. In A.H. Kazmi & R.A. Siddiqi (eds.), Proceedings of a workshop on the significance of coal resources of Pakistan, Feb. 8-9, 1989, Karachi, Pakistan. GSP, Quetta 63-92.

Shah, S.H. & Bhutta, A.L, 1988. Geology and coal occurrences of Kotli District, Azad Jammu and Kashmir. GSP Info. Rel. 310, 29p.

Simon, F.O., Khan, R.A., Landis, E.R. & Hildebrand, R.T., 1988. Chemical and physical characterization of mine samples from Lakhra coal field, south Sind, Pakistan. USGS Open-File Rep. 87-662, 94p. [Also GSP Proj. Rep. (IR)PK-73].

Thomas, R.E. & Khan, S.A., 1990. Indus East coal exploration, Sind Province, Pakistan. In A.H. Kazmi & R.A. Siddiqi (eds.), Proceedings of a workshop on the significance of coal resources of Pakistan, Feb. 8-9, 1989, Karachi, Pakistan. GSP, Quetta 105-107.

Thomas, R. E., Landis, E.R. & Khan, R.A., 1988a. Reports on coal resources exploration program drilling and related activities, April 1986 to May 1987, southern Sind Province, Pakistan. USGS Open-File Rep. 88-275, parts A-C. [Also GSP Proj. Rep. (IR)PK-781.

Wardlaw, B.R., Martin, W.E. & Haydri, I.H., 1990. Preliminary lithofacics analysis of the Lockhart, Patala, and Nammal Formations (Paleocene - Eocene) of the Salt Range. USGS Open-File Rep. 90-XXX, 40p (in press).

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Warwick, P.D. & Javed, S., 1990. Quality and character of Pakistan coal. In A.H. Kazmi & R.A. Siddiqi (eds.), Proceedings of a workshop on the significance of coal resources of Pakistan, Feb. 8-9, 1989, Karachi, Pakistan. GSP, Quetta 127-135.

Warwick, P.D. & Shakoor, T., 1988. Preliminary report on the coal characteristics in the Salt Range area of north-central Pakistan. USGS Open-File Rep. 88-637, 333p. [Also GSP Proj. Rep. (IR)PK-83].

Warwick, P.D., Shakoor, T., Javed, S., Mashhadi, S.T.A. & Ghaznavi, M.I., 1990. Chemical and physical characteristics of coal beds from the Salt Range coal field, Punjab Province, Pakistan. USGS Research on energo,' resources-1990, Program and Abstract, Sixth V.E. McKelvey Forum on Mineral and Energy Resources. USGS Circular 1060, 86.




How to Cite

Durrani, N., & Warwick, P. (1991). Regional Characterization and Resource Evaluation of Paleocene and Eocene Coal-bearing Rocks in Pakistan. Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences, 24(1), 229-237. Retrieved from