Seismotectonic set up in East Central Sulaiman Range


  • M. A. Samad Baig Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission, NMC- l, D.G. Khan
  • Faiq Mazhar Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission, NMC- l, D.G. Khan
  • Mujeeb-Ur-Rahman Atomic Energy Minerals Centre, P.O. Box 658, Lahore
  • Hamid Mahmood Atomic Energy Minerals Centre, P.O. Box 658, Lahore


D,G. Khan city is located along the foothills of “Central Sulaintan Fold Belt”, southeast of Zinda Pir Anticline which forms the nearest tectonic structure in the area. The Sulaiman and Kirthar Ranges were developed during Palaeocene times in the episode of Himalayan orogeny forming a huge shear Zone (Sulaiman-Kirthar Shear Zone) as a result Of the drag effect associated with  northwest movement of the Indian plate, This Zone is comprised of a number of transform and wrench faults associated with doubly plunging anticlines, The Sulaiman Shear Zone is seismically an active region due to activity along faults such as Kingri, Barkhan and Kohlu that are capable of causing seismicity of 5-7M. On the basis of present studies, a "Peak Ground Acceleration" 01<0.15g has been proposed for D.G. Khan city. The neotectonic survey along talus creep deposits, talus conglomerate and recent to sub-recent alluvial fans was conducted which do not indicate any recent ground movement. The D. G. Khan city can be considered a safe area for construction of large engineering structures.


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How to Cite

Baig, M. A. S., Mazhar, F., Mujeeb-Ur-Rahman, & Mahmood, H. (2002). Seismotectonic set up in East Central Sulaiman Range. Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences, 35(1), 67-84. Retrieved from