Mineralogical characterization and evaluation of manganese ore from Bajaur Agency, Khyber Pakhtunkwa, Pakistan
Mineralogy; Characterization; Manganese; Bajaur; Pakistan.Abstract
Reconnaissance study of the Bajaur area had indicated the presence of manganese and afterwards in 2006 Directorate of minerals, FATA (Federally Administered Tribal Area) conducted a detailed investigation on the Takht area of the Agency and reported the presence of about 0.12 million tons of manganese ore in the area. In order to evaluate the Takht manganese ore, Bajaur Agency, different mineralogical and chemical studies were carried out at PCSIR (Pakistan Council of Scientific and Industrial Research) Laboratories. The mineralogical studies included the petrography, scanning electron microscope, microprobe and XRD to study manganese ore and its associated gangue minerals. It is concluded from these studies that the manganese ore is of complex nature, comprising of oxides and silicates. The manganese minerals are very fine grained and are inter-grown with gangue minerals, mainly calcite and quartz. Chemical analyses showed the MnO2is 72 % on average. Various beneficiation techniques including flotation, heavy medium separation, gravity concentration and magnetic separation were used to upgrade the ore. Of these techniques, the only floatation could enhance the grade of MnO2 to ~77.13%, while no notable success was achieved through other beneficiation methods.
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