Notes on the Dolerite Dykes in Northern Hazara
The dolerite veins occur as dykes and sills. They vary in thickness from on to ten feet. The sills are mostly schistose metadolerites, intensely sheared and folded. There foliation is generally parallel to the general strike. The dykes are cross-cutting veins, very massive, jointed, and have always chilled margins against the country rock. They are relatively more abundant in altered veins. These diabases are dirty green friable rocks almost completely weathered to dark green clays. They are characteristically abundant along fault zones.
Harker, A., 1932. Metamorphism, methuen, London.
Shams, F.A., 1961. Geological Bulletin of Punjab University, 1, 57-65.
Walker, F., and Poldervasrt, A., 1949. Karroo Dolerites of the Union of South Africa. Bulletin of Geological Society of America, IX, 591.
Wiseman, J.D.H., 1934. The Central and South-West Highland Epidiorites: A study in progressive Metamorphism. Quarternary Journal of the Geological Society, Xc. 354.