Sections of the Wargal Limestone, Western Salt Range, Pakistan


  • Muhammad Hanif Department of Geology, Peshawar University
  • Earnest H. Gilmour Department of Geology, Eastern Washington University, cheney, Washington, USA
  • Obaid-Ur- Rahman


Four sections of the Wargal Limestone were measured, described, and sampled in detail. Numerous small faults are present normal to the dip and along bedding planes. Thickness of the formation ranges from 174 m at Zuluch Nala to 130 m at Chatuwnla Nala. Colonial coral zones are present near the base of the formation and at the top of the formation.


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How to Cite

Hanif, M., Gilmour, E. H. ., & Rahman, O.-U.-. (1981). Sections of the Wargal Limestone, Western Salt Range, Pakistan. Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences, 14(1), 63-71. Retrieved from

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