Major Tectonic Scars of Peshawar Vale and Adjoining Area, and Associated Magmatism
The Vale of Peshawar, spread in about 1800 sq. km area, constitutes an important tectonic zone in the northwestern margin of the Indo-Pakistan plate. It is surrounded by well-carved mega-tectonic features, which originated during post collisional alpine orogenic episodes, starting from Late Cretaceous and lasting till Early Pleistocene. The main tectonic evolutionary history of the, Vale is syngenetic to these episodes, though some pre-alpine tectonic scars have also been distinguished. Ten major fault tectonics have been described in this paper, out of which six are located within the Vale and the remaining four occur in the adjoining areas. An attempt has been made to decipher these tectonic scars and to delineate associated magmatism in the Vale of Peshawar.
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