Sandstone Petrography of Gazij Formation of Degari, Kach, Murree Brewery and Bibi Nani Area, North East Baluchistan


  • Akhtar Mohammad Kassi Geology Department, University of Baluchistan, Quetta.


Sandstones of the Ghazij Formation aye conspicuously rich in limestone, chert and basic igneous fragments and may be classified as calclithites and lit& arenites. These sandstones show marked contrasts, being particularly rich in basic igneous fragments (1 1 to 18 in Murree Brewery and Kach areas and in limestone fragments (40 to 70 %) in Degari and Bibi Nanai areas. It is concluded that on the basis of contrasts in sandstone petrography the Ghazij Formation could further be subdivided into various members.


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How to Cite

Kassi, A. M. (1986). Sandstone Petrography of Gazij Formation of Degari, Kach, Murree Brewery and Bibi Nani Area, North East Baluchistan. Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences, 19(1), 77-82. Retrieved from

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