Babusar Amphibolites, Arc Tholeiites from the Southern Kohistan Arc, N. Pakistan


  • Mohammad Asif Khan National Centre of Excellence in Geology, University of Peshawar, Pakistan
  • M.F. Thirlwall Department of Geology, Royal Holloway and Bedford New College, Egham, Surrey, TW20 OEX, U.K.


An imbricate sequence of amphibolites, apparently in the form of a linear belt, occurs in the hanging wall of the Indus Suture at Babusar Pass (SE Kohistan). Major-, trace- and a limited rare-earth element data classifies them to be arc tholeiite in composition, in contrast to the bulk of the Kohistan arc which is predominantly calc-alkaline. Models are discussed about their position with respect to the rest of the Kohistan magmatic sequence. Whereas there is a possibility that they represent early tholeiite phases of arc magmatism, a model is presented which considers them (together with a conformable basal ultramafic unit) as crust of a tholeiitic island arc, formed as a separate entity from a predominantly calc-alkaline Kohistan arc to the north.


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How to Cite

Khan, M. A., & Thirlwall, M. . (1988). Babusar Amphibolites, Arc Tholeiites from the Southern Kohistan Arc, N. Pakistan. Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences, 21(1), 147-158. Retrieved from

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