Rock Magnetism of the Kohistan Island Arc, Pakistan


  • Charles M. Schlinger Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah 84112. U.S.A.
  • M. Javed Khan Department of Geology, University of Peshawar, Pakistan
  • Peter Wasilewski Code 691, Goddard Space Flight Center, NASA, Greenbelt, Maryland 20771. USA


In Northern Pakistan a section of island arc crust is exposed in Kohistan, northwest Himalaya. To better understand how magnetism and magnetic mineralogy depend on metamorphism, we have studied, by means of field and laboratory investigations, crystalline rocks of the Kohistan island arc. Our results are based on susceptibility and sampling traverses over 500 km in length, and rock magnetic and petrographic study of collected samples. Measurements and sampling concentrated on two profiles through Kohistan, one following the Swat River, the other following the Karakoram Highway. Of the lithologies sampled along these two profiles, the main sequence of interest consists of rocks of the Kohistan island arc. With the exception of volumetrically-minor serpentinized ultramafic rocks, the magnetic lithologies are pyroxene granulite, and gabbro-norite of the Chilas complex. Amphibolites, garnet granulites, metasupra-crustals and Kohistan arc diorites and granites are only weakly magnetized. The same is true of Karakoram batholith granitoids. As far as prograde metamorphism of moderate to high-grade mafic rocks in the section is concerned, magnetic pyroxene granulites are strongly magnetized, relative to amphibolite facies equivalents and garnet granulites. Considering all lithologies, the calculated Koenigsberger's ratios are generally less than 2 (110 of 127 samples), commonly less than 1 (89 samples), and rarely in excess of 10 (3 samples), which indicates that the magnetization of these rocks is rarely dominated by remanence. The directions of natural remanent magnetization (NRM) are scattered, with a mean declination not far from zero, and a positive mean inclination. Petrographic and electron microprobe study of mineral assemblages and textures related to retrogressive metamorphism of pyroxene and garnet granulites shows that amphibolite facies overprinting along planar zones was an Fe-Ti oxide-consuming event. Lamellae of magnetite in magnetite-ilmenite intergrowths were replaced by silicates during retrogressive metamorphism of the pyroxene granulites. Regional-scale magnetic structure in this part of the crust is defined by magnetic contrasts between the Chilas complex and the surrounding Kamila amphibolites and Kohistan granites and diorites.


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How to Cite

Schlinger, C. M., Khan, M. J., & Wasilewski, P. (1989). Rock Magnetism of the Kohistan Island Arc, Pakistan. Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences, 22(1), 83-101. Retrieved from

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