Large Scale Vertical Aggradation of Sandstones in the Kamlial Formation of the Kohat Basin, Pakistan


  • Iftikhar Ahmed Abbasi NCE & Department of Geology, University of Peshawar


The Kamlial Formation in the Kohat fold-thrust belt is composed dominantly of thick sandstone, interbedded with siltstone and intraformational conglomerate. The sandstone bodies are over 100-metre-thick in the upper part and, on the average, 30-meter-thick in the lower and middle part of the formation. The sandstone bodies are multistoried and their large thicknesses are due to vertical and lateral amalgamation of sand bodies deposited in a slowly subsiding foreland basin. An average thickness of 4-6 metre has been estimated for the individual sand bodies deposited by 6-8 metres deep, intermediate to high sinuosity streams. Tabular sand bodies interbedded with overbank fines were deposited by high sinuosity streams. The drainage system during the deposition of the Kamlial Formation in the Kohat foreland basin was mainly flowing to the east which is consistent with that of the Potwar Plateau.


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How to Cite

Abbasi, I. A. (1991). Large Scale Vertical Aggradation of Sandstones in the Kamlial Formation of the Kohat Basin, Pakistan. Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences, 24(1), 33-44. Retrieved from