Mineralogy and Mineral Chemistry of the Amphibolite Belt and Main Mantle Thrust Rocks from Gantar Area, Allai Kohistan, North Pakistan


  • Syed Hamidullah National Centre of Excellence in Geology, University of Peshawar, Pakistan
  • Mohammad Zahid Department of Geology, University of Peshawar
  • Mohammad Majid Department of Geology, University of Peshawar


Petrographic and mineralogical studies are performed for the Kohistan island arc, MMT melange zone and Indian plate lithologies at Gantar village and in its surroundings, in Alai Kohistan, Hazara. Petrographic studies reveal that locally, the Kohistan island arc lithology is exclusively comprised of amphibolites and epidote amphibolites with certain patches of hornblende pegmatites. The MMT melange zone includes greenschist and blueschist whereas the Indian plate sequence is made up of a variety of schistose rocks and siliceous marble. Petrography and mineral chemistry indicate that amphibolites have an igneous parentage and have undergone successive metamorphic episodes of amphibolite facies, epidote-amphibolite facies and greenschist facies, in a temperature range of 530<=500oC and a pressure range of 6-<= 4.5 kb, whereas the MMT melange zone rocks show signatures of amphibolite facies, blueschist facies (7kb) and greenschist facies matamorphic episodes. The hornblende pegmatite patches in amphibolites are interpreted as products of low pressure metasomatism, on the basis of lower VIAl content in hornblende as compared to that in amphibolites. Small outcrops of metagabbro and metanorite found in the area are regarded as part of the island arc system, on the basis of their clinopyroxene chemistry. Structural, petrographic and “minera-chemical” features indicate a subduction-obduction related petrogenesis for these rocks.


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How to Cite

Hamidullah, S., Zahid, M., & Majid, M. (1991). Mineralogy and Mineral Chemistry of the Amphibolite Belt and Main Mantle Thrust Rocks from Gantar Area, Allai Kohistan, North Pakistan. Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences, 24(1), 133-146. Retrieved from http://ojs.uop.edu.pk/jhes/article/view/1397

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