Climate Change and Human-Induced Factor Impacts on Quetta Valley Aquifer, Baluchistan, Pakistan


  • Imad Ali
  • Syed Mobasher Aftab


Climate Change, Human-Induced Factors, Aquifer, Quetta Valley.


The study aims to analyze the impact of climate change and human-induced factors on the Quetta Valley aquifer, Pakistan. The geological and hydrogeological studies revealed that the exposed geological formations are of sedimentary origin that ranges in age from Triassic to Recent. The precipitation recharges to the aquifer are negligible as compared to groundwater withdrawal. The drought of 1997-2004 reduced the precipitation up to 67% of average values which declined the groundwater table by 8m. From 2005-2020, the cumulative yearly average temperature increased from 23.8-27.3 oC, and the potential evapotranspiration augmented from 1,468-1,669 mm. The valley population increased from 1.02-1.8 million, yearly water demand exceeds 93-139 Mm3, and the number of tubewells boosted up to 56%. Statistical analysis and regression trend correlations signify a combined positive influence of climate change and human-induced factors with the declination of the groundwater table. The yearly recharge to the aquifer varies from 61-89 Mm3, abstraction from 72-101 Mm3, and the annual deficit ranges from 1-37 Mm3. The groundwater table was depleted from 28-36m and land subsidence ranges from 0.5-12cm/yr. The demand and supply of aquifer waters are at risk due to continuous groundwater depletion. The significant threat is the scarcity and security of freshwater resources that would eventually upshoot a predictable turmoil of urban disaster.


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How to Cite

Ali, I. ., & Aftab, S. M. (2022). Climate Change and Human-Induced Factor Impacts on Quetta Valley Aquifer, Baluchistan, Pakistan. Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences, 55(2), 21-45. Retrieved from