Quartz and Dolomite Content Variations and Climate Changes in Late Pleistocene Sediments of the North Arabian Sea


  • Athar Ali Khan National Institute of Oceanography, St-47, Block-I, Clifton, Karachi, Pakistan.


Deep sea sediment core CD 1730 collected onboard Charles Darwin cruise CD 18/37(1986) from the Arabian Sea off Oman continental margin is analysed for reconstruction of late Pleistocene Paleoclimate. Oxygen isotope record of this core has been used for chronostratigraphy. The core shows depositional history of last 140, 000 years BP and indicate 6 isotopic stages. In this paper changes in terrigenous material i.e. quartz and dolomite content in cold and warm climatic stages have been discussed. Since quartz and dolomite are detrital in nature, their changes in the core reflect a control of regional climatic patterns in glacial and interglacial stages. Quartz content on carbonate free basis varies in core from 6 to 11% and dolomite content on carbonate free basis varies from 1 to 10%.


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How to Cite

Khan, A. A. (1997). Quartz and Dolomite Content Variations and Climate Changes in Late Pleistocene Sediments of the North Arabian Sea. Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences, 30(1), 1-11. Retrieved from http://ojs.uop.edu.pk/jhes/article/view/1490