Satellite Imagery - A Tool of Diversified Applications in Exploration and Development of Oil and Gas Fields


  • N. K. Siddiqui Pakistan Petroleum Ltd., P.O. Box 3942, Karachi, Pakistan.


Pakistan Petroleum Ltd (PPL), amongst the pioneers for exploration and development of oil and gas fields in Pakistan have an extensive/historical data-base. The off-the-shelf availability of satellite imagery, since late seventies, not only expanded our data-base quickly but provided a powerful tool of diversified applications. The spectral, spatial and temporal resolution of satellite imagery has since been used for applications as diversified as:

  1. Geological mapping in exposed areas and anticipated subsurface structures.
  2. Lineaments/topographic anomalies in plains.
  3. Identification of suitable geological sections and their approach for stratigraphic measurements.
  4. Monitoring of river channels/water bodies for carrying out field development/ drilling operations.
  5. Planning of geophysical surveys and layout of the seismic lines to be recorded.
  6. Mosaic of the entire country for better understanding of geology/tectonics etc. and the spatial relationship of different sedimentary basins in Pakistan.


Abid, M. S. & Siddiqui, N. K., 1982. Satellite Imagery and its use in petroleum Exploration in Pakistan. Petroleum Institute of Pakistan Seminar on Petroleum Exploration in Pakistan, Karachi.

Siddiqui, N. K., 1991. Monitoring the changes in the Indus River course through Satellite Imagery. Report on the Regional Seminar on the Applications of Remote Sensing Techniques to Land-use planning and Environment Surveying (SU PARCOESCAP/UNDP), Karachi, Pakistan, 81-87.




How to Cite

Siddiqui, N. K. (1997). Satellite Imagery - A Tool of Diversified Applications in Exploration and Development of Oil and Gas Fields. Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences, 30(1), 91-95. Retrieved from