Geology of Shamozai area in Lower Dir District, NWFP, Pakistan
Rocks of the Main Mantle Thrust and associated suites have been investigated in a 100 km2 area in southwestern Dir district. Field investigations and thin section study reveal that the succession of rock units from south to north is that of the Indian plate rocks, ophiolitic melange zone, and Kohistan arc terrane. The Indian plate rocks comprise granitic gneisses along with minor calcareous schists and phyllites. The ophiolitic melange zone, which is reported for the first time from the area, mainly comprises serpentinized dunite, talc-carbonate schist and crystalline limestone blocks in a matrix of phyllite and minor graphitic schist. The arc terrane is represented by amphibolites, intruded by quartz porphyries and tonalites in a number of places.
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