Active faulting in the southern Peshawar basin, Pakistan
Evidence for active faulting is found in the Peshawar basin parallel to its southern margin. The faults run along four left stepping ridges that diagonally cut across imbricate thrust structures of the Attock-Cherat Range. The unlithified sediments of the Peshawar basin comprising of lacustrine, fluvial, and alluvial-fan deposits dated at 2.8 to 0.6 Ma and the younger alluvial-fan gravels are strongly folded, faulted, and are cut by east-north east trending faults with their north sides up thrown. The faults postdate some of the fan drainage but defects other drainage. The en-echelon distribution of the ridges and low-angle slickensides in some faults indicate that the faults may be strike-slip. The faults extend 40 km in east-northeast direction to the Tarbela Dam area where the base of Indus River gravels is apparently displaced by a reverse faults with northwest side up. Additional lineations and south facing scarps occur at the southern side of the Attock-Cherat Range where Jurassic limestone is faulted over gravels material.
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