Predicting topographic aggravation of seismic ground shaking by applying geospatial tools
The undisputable impact of topographic features on the uneven distribution of seismic ground shaking and associated devastation is well-observed and documented, but not applied at a regional scale. Seismic events located in rugged terrain, such as the Kashmir earthquake (2005) in the western Himalaya, exhibit amplified response on the inclined slopes and ridge crests, while de-amplified response at the hill toe. These observations are supplemented by numerical, analytical and experimental investigations. Current efforts on predicting topographic impact on seismic response are confined to synthetic terrain or isolated hills. The available regional models, like USGS ShakeMap, ignore the topographic effects on seismic response, limiting model applicability at local scale. Parametric studies analyzing impact of specific terrain feature and seismic characteristics on seismic ground shaking resulted in numerical models, predicting topographic aggravation of seismic response. This study aims to apply DEM derived topographic attributes and seismic parameters in numerical models to predict topographic aggravation of seismic response at a regional scale.
SRTM and ASTER DEMs are utilized to derive the required topographic attributes to investigate the impact of DEM resolution and data source on computed attributes. The uncertainty in the computed topographic attributes, due to DEM inherent random error, is quantified through Monte Carlo Simulations. The impact of slope angle, aspect, height, wavelength and damping on amplification and deamplification of seismic response is analyzed in homogenous lithological and geotechnical scenario. The spatial variation of seismic wavelength is estimated empirically from instrumental ground shaking records. The remote sensing DEMs are found to be sensitive to steep slopes in terrain representation. The amplified seismic response is observed to be sensitive to the slope gradient among the analyzed parameters. The direction of incident seismic waves has significant impact on the occurrence and spatial distribution of seismic induced landslides.
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