Planktonic zonation from the contact of Laki Formation (Early Eocene) and Tiyon Formation (Middle Eocene) Thana Bula Khan, Lower Indus Basin, Sindh, Pakistan
Laki Formation; Tiyon Formation; Middle Eocene (Ypresian–Lutetian)Abstract
In terms of planktonic foraminiferal zonation, the Ypresian (Early Eocene) and Lutetian (Middle Eocene) boundary is drawn between Laki and Tiyon formations on the basis of reported species Acarinina pentacamerata, Hantkenina liebusi, Hastigerina bolivariana, Globigerinattheka subconglobata subconglobata, Globigerina lozanoi colom and Turborotaia cerroazulensis possangoensis adopting the zonation of Bolli, Subbotina, Shokina and Shutskaya.
Age confirmed on the basis of these species is Late Ypresian to Early Lutetian and thus can be correlated to the Lutetian of Paris Basin and Gulf coastal region.
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