Barkhan (Balochistan) earthquakes of June 26 and July 12, 1999: Source parameters from teleseismic body waves


  • Tariq Mahmood Micro Seismic Study Programme P. O. Box 3339, Islamabad
  • Karam Khan Micro Seismic Study Programme P. O. Box 3339, Islamabad
  • Talat Iqbal Micro Seismic Study Programme P. O. Box 3339, Islamabad
  • M. Qaisar Center for Earthquake Studies, National Centre for Physics, Quaid-i-Azam University Campus, Islamabad
  • Suhail Ahmed Micro Seismic Study Programme P. O. Box 3339, Islamabad


Barkhan; Earthquake; Sulaiman ranges; Source parameters; Teleseismic body waves; Focal mechanism solutions; Seismic moment


Two moderate earthquakes occurred on June 26 and July 12, 1999 at Barkhan, in at the northern limb of the Sibbi Syntaxis occupied by the southern Sulaiman Ranges. Source characteristics of these earthquakes were studied using the teleseismic body waves recorded at the IRIS Global Seismographic Network. The P and SH waveforms of these events were inverted to double couple source using the method of Kikuchi and Kanamori (1991). The azimuthal coverage of seismograph stations is good enough to resolve some details of heterogeneous moment tensor. Orientation and length of the fault are derived from aftershocks related with this earthquake event. The data show that the slip on the northeastern sections of the Karmari and Barkhan thrusts was responsible for these earthquakes. The focal mechanism solutions suggest thrust faulting. The strike, dip and rake of the causative fault of the June 26 earthquake are respectively 243o, 39o and 92o and that of July 12, earthquake is 237o, of 32o, and 111o. The seismic moment is estimated as Mo = 2.3 x 1017 Nm for June 26 and Mo = 3.3 x1017 Nm for July 12, 1999.


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How to Cite

Mahmood, T., Khan, K., Iqbal, T., Qaisar, M., & Ahmed, S. (2012). Barkhan (Balochistan) earthquakes of June 26 and July 12, 1999: Source parameters from teleseismic body waves . Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences, 45(1), 97-105. Retrieved from

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