Petrography and major element chemistry of mafic dykes in the Nagar Parkar Igneous Complex, Tharparkar, Sindh


  • Amanullah Laghari Centre for Pure & Applied Geology, University of Sindh, Jamshoro
  • M. Qasim Jan National Centre of Excellence in Geology, University of Peshawar, Pakistan
  • Mohammad Asif Khan National Centre of Excellence in Geology, University of Peshawar, Pakistan
  • M. Hassan Agheem Centre for Pure & Applied Geology, University of Sindh, Jamshoro
  • Ali Ghulam Sahito Centre for Pure & Applied Geology, University of Sindh, Jamshoro
  • Suhail Anjum Department of Geology, Federal Urdu University, Karachi


Nagar Parker; Late Proterozoic Granites; Mafic dykes; Alkaline


The Nagar Parkar igneous complex consists of a variety of Late Proterozoic granitic rocks emplaced in a basement of amphibolitic rocks.  These were intruded by mafic rocks that range from veins to dykes commonly no more than 300×5 m in surface exposures; but a few are thicker and longer, with one extending up to 2 km. The dykes can be divided into two groups: a possibly earlier one of amphibole bearing rocks, and a later group of titanium augite-bearing rocks. The rocks are grey to black, fine- to medium-grained, and commonly porphyritic. In addition to amphibole or augite, they also contain zoned plagioclase (andesine-labradorite, commonly saussuritized), opaque oxides, apatite, sphene, and secondary minerals. Some of the augite-bearing rocks also contain olivine. The two groups of rocks are alkaline, similar in major element chemistry, and derived from differentiated magma(s).


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How to Cite

Laghari, A., Jan, M. Q., Khan, M. A., Agheem, M. H., Sahito, A. G., & Anjum, S. (2013). Petrography and major element chemistry of mafic dykes in the Nagar Parkar Igneous Complex, Tharparkar, Sindh . Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences, 46(1), 1-11. Retrieved from

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