Preliminary Geology and Petrography of Swat Kohistan


  • M. Qasim Jan National Centre of Excellence in Geology, University of Peshawar, Pakistan
  • Ihsanullah Mian


Regional survey, covering 1,400 squre miles of area, was carried out in Swat Kohistan to prepare a preliminary geological map and investigate the structure, petrography, and economic geology of the region.
The area is covered by various types of plutonic and a lesser quantity of sedimentary and volcanic rocks. Quartzites, siliceous schists, phyllite, siltstone/
shale, and limestone of the Kalam Group (Carboniferous to ? Siluro-Devonian) are
exposed in the Matiltan-Kalam area. Norites, diorites, and the associated rocks
of the Kohistan Basic Complex (Late Cretaceous) cover a large area to the south
of Kalam. They form a northeast trending belt that extends to the east in Indus
Kohistan and to the west in Dir. To the northwest, the Kalam Group is overlain
by a thick sequence of silicic to intermediate lavas, tuffs and agglomerates (the
Utror Volcanic Rocks) of probable Creto-Eocene age. These, and the sedimentary
rocks, have been cut by various types of pluionic rocks, mainly quartz diorites and
granites, in Garal and Ushu valleys. The plutons are thought to be emplaced during Early to Middle Tertiary period. Quaternary alluvium and glacial deposits occur in small quantity in all parts of the region.


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How to Cite

Jan, M. Q., & Mian, I. (1971). Preliminary Geology and Petrography of Swat Kohistan. Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences, 6(1), 1-32. Retrieved from

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