Reaction Isograds and P-T Estimates in Metasediments on the Edge of the Karakorum Plate, Hunza, N. Pakistan


  • Roger D. Broughton Department of Geology, The University, Leicester LEI 7RH, UK.
  • Brian F. Windley Department of Geology, The University, Leicester LEI 7RH, UK.
  • M. Qasim Jan NCE & Department of Geology, University of Peshawar


The Huma area of N. Pakistan contains a metasedimentary sequence on the southern margin of the Karakorum Plate. The sequence is largely pelitic with carbonate layers, cut by amphibolite and granite sheets, and is bounded to the N.E. by the Karakorum Batholith, and to the S.W. by the Northern Suture at Chalt. The grade of metamorphism increases from S.W. to N.E., and this is marked by variation in mineral chemistry, and changes in mineral assemblages at a series of reaction isograds, which separate zones in which stable mineral pairs are: garnet-chlorite, chloritoid-biotite, staurolite-biotite, kynite-biotite and sillimanite-biotite from S.W, to N.E. respectively. A reaction isograd marked by the paragenesis forsterite-diopside-calcite-dolomite occurs in the siliceous dolomites, and the northeasterly dip of the isograds indicates that the zones are inverted. At Huzza, maximum metamorphic conditions given by politic rocks are 669oC and 5.5 kb, with XCO2, Fl = 0.66. The inversion of the metamorphic zones was associated with major southward thrusting during collision of the Karakorum Plate with the Kohistan Arc.


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How to Cite

Broughton, R. D., Windley, B. F., & Jan, M. Q. (1985). Reaction Isograds and P-T Estimates in Metasediments on the Edge of the Karakorum Plate, Hunza, N. Pakistan. Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences, 18(1), 119-136. Retrieved from

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