Alkali-feldspar from Koga syenites, Ambella grantitic complex, NW Pakistan


  • Nusrat Jabeen NCE in Geology, University of Peshawar
  • Ihsanullah Mian Department of Geology, University of Peshawar


The Koga syenites are intruded by at least two carbonatite intrusions, having different Na/K ratios. The carhonatite with high Na/K ratio has produced Na-feniles, while the other formed K-fenites. XRD study of low albile indicates that changes occur in the structural state of albite with increasing grade of fenitization. The Na-feldspar in the unfenilized rocks is low alhite, while in the fenitized rocks is anomalous low albite. The degree of Order ness increases with the increasing intensity of fenilizalion. The K-feldspar is maximum microcline in both the fenitized and unfenitized rocks. The lie lines between the co-existing Na- and K-feldspars deviate from the generally agreed magmatic trend.


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How to Cite

Jabeen, N., & Mian, I. (1992). Alkali-feldspar from Koga syenites, Ambella grantitic complex, NW Pakistan. Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences, 25(1), 77-84. Retrieved from

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