Early molasse sediments (Murree Formation) in Pathan Algad, southern Kohat
Of the southern most exposures of the Murree Formation in Kohat those of the Pathan Algad are considerably thick. These consist of interbedded maroon sandstone and red clay with subordinate conglomerate. The conglomerates within the formation are intrabasinal and lag in nature While conglomerate al base of the formation Consists of reworked limestone clasts of the underlying Kohat Formation. Two main sand-bodies, one SB1 starts at 13m level and is 21m thick and second SB2 at 52m level ranging 2-4m in thickness, were observed. These sand-bodies consist of main channel, point bar, and chute bar deposits. Interbedded sandstone and clay facies which overlie the composite sandstone facies represent levee or crevasse splay deposits. The red clay was deposited in flood plain areas out of suspension. As a whole the Murree Formation in this area displays typical meandering river deposits. Our analysis suggests that the Pathan Algad area lied the margin of the Murree river system where Only occasionally the main river flowed. Additionally, there may be a Considerable age difference between the exposures in Pathan Algad and those at Dhok Maiki, the strato type in Potwar area.
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