Petrochemistry of asbestos bearing rocks from Skhakot-Qila Ultramafic Complex, northern Pakistan


  • Noor Jehan Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Peshawar


This study has been carried out to map asbestos deposits of the Skhakot-Qila Ultramafic Complex around Peshawar valley and to describe their petrochemical characteristics. Dunite, peridotite, serpentinite, chromitite, and mafic rocks are the main types of the complex while tremolite, talc-carbonate, steatite, and chlorite wall rocks are found in the form of irregular to pod-like, elongated or tabular masses and veins transacting the ultramafic rocks along shear zones. The serpentine in the complex is classified as chrysotile and has grown along shear zones as fibrous asbestos. Asbestiform tremolite occurs locally at Newe Killi, Hero Shah, and Behram Dehri and has most probably grown from the deformation of pyroxenite.

The data indicate that rocks of the Skhakot-Qila Ultramafic Complex represent an ophiolite segment of the Thetyan ocean crust and are classified as a partly metamorphosed mafic-ultramafic complex. Igneous crystallization and fractionation and accumulation of olivine, pyroxenes, and chromite have led to the development of mafic and ultramafic rocks. Tectonic emplacement has caused the deformation and metamorphism of these rocks transforming dunite and peridotite into serpentine. Local variation in P-T condition during tectonic deformation and metamorphism caused the recrystallization of various minerals with serpentine as an essential constituent and brucite, forsterite, magnetite, magnesite, talc, and carbonate associated in various proportions.


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How to Cite

Jehan, N. (2006). Petrochemistry of asbestos bearing rocks from Skhakot-Qila Ultramafic Complex, northern Pakistan. Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences, 39(1), 75-83. Retrieved from

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