Variation in major element oxide with time in the soils of Peshawar Basin: their comparison with the normal agricultural soil


  • Shahida N. Zakir Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Peshawar, Pakistan
  • Liaqat Ali National Centre of Excellence in Geology, University of Peshawar, Pakistan
  • Seema A. Khattak National Centre of Excellence in Geology, University of Peshawar, Pakistan


Major oxides; Agricultural soil; Geogenic sources.


The present study is aimed to monitor the major and minor element oxides of the soils of Peshawar basin. The results were compared with the standards of the element oxides fixed for normal agricultural soils. The findings of this study showed that SiO2, TiO2 and Fe2O3 were within the permissible limit in majority of the soil samples of the basin, while Al2O3, CaO and Na2O exceeded the maximum permissible limit. The geogenic sources include weathering of calcareous rocks such as limestone and dolomite and water logging and salinity have contributed to the enrichment of Al, Na, Ca and Mg in certain areas of the basin.


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How to Cite

Zakir, S. N., Ali, L., & Khattak, S. A. (2013). Variation in major element oxide with time in the soils of Peshawar Basin: their comparison with the normal agricultural soil . Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences, 46(2), 35-48. Retrieved from