Landslide hazard zonation map of Kurram Valley: A case study of landslide at Gharbina village, Parachinar, Kurram Valley
Landslide hazard zonation; Slump; Gharbina village; Slope failure; Damages.Abstract
Landslide hazard zonation map of Kurram valley shows that Gharbina village at Bulbulaq, Parachinar lies within the high landslide prone region. Geological investigations of the landslide/rotational slump and debris-flow at study area indicate that the inhabited property at Gharbina village is vulnerable to a devastating landslide. The total area of the slump that had badly affected wheat crops, orchards, poplar and walnut trees was approximately 19.6 hectare. It had also disrupted 118 meters dirt road, which connecting Gharbina, Khachan, Dand and Rajju villages to Parachinar city. Walls of the houses at Gharbina village are cracked and leaned. The affected area and the regions shown on landslide hazard zonation map of Kurram valley might be declared an area prone to landslide/slumping. The Gharbina village, which is badly affected during slump, should be permanently evacuated because the northward drift of the main scarp of the slump and southward movement along transverse fractures in the crown region may cause fatalities and infrastructure damages. Knowing the nature of the problem and the vulnerability of the area for slope failure, it is recommended that evacuation of the high hazard zone should be carried out as top priority to ensure safety of the inhabitants
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