Economic Analysis of Marigolds and Rose Business in District Peshawar


  • Benish Iqbal Gandapur Benish Iqbal Gandapur Assistant Professor of Economics Government Frontier College for Women Peshawar, Pakistan
  • Zilakat Khan Malik Department of Economics


Production of marigolds and rose, Cobb-Douglas Production Function, t-test


Flowers are used for expressing or exhibiting the innermost feelings to the beloved ones or complementing any one or versifying any conceivable emotions. This piece of work examined the Cobb-Douglas production function to highlight the various inputs impacts on the yield of two major flowers: rose and marigolds and to highlight most productive flower variety between marigolds and rose. A survey was carried out in the two villages of district Peshawar (Khyber Pakhtunkhwa) namely Shahab Kheil and Bazid Kheil in 2016. Primary data was collected from 120 respondents randomly through well-designed questionnaires. The allocation of sample size was made by proportional allocation method in the selected villages. The mean revenue of marigolds and rose flowers was Rs. 140674 and Rs. 146174 respectively. t- Test was used for comparison of marigold and rose and concluded that rose is more productive than marigold. In order to show input output relationship COBB-DOUGLAS Production function was used and concluded that labour (days), seed, fertilizer, tractor (hours) and pesticides are significant and irrigation insignificant in case of marigolds, while in case of rose labour(days), seed and fertilizer turned out significant and tractor (hours) and pesticides insignificant.




How to Cite

Benish Iqbal Gandapur, & Zilakat Khan Malik. (2021). Economic Analysis of Marigolds and Rose Business in District Peshawar. The Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences, 26(1), 119-133. Retrieved from