Anglo-Afghan Treaties, Accords, Agreements, Memoranda, Conventions, Engagements, Protocols (1809-1930) Impacting Pak-Afghan Relations: A Way Forward


  • Noor-Ul-Amin 1Associate Professor/Chairman, Department of Pakistan Studies, Islamia College University, Peshawar
  • Saman Pari 2M.Phil. Research Scholar, Department of Pakistan Studies, ICP, currently serving as Lecturer, Government Medical College, Nowshera


Herat, Elphinstone, Amir Dost Muhammad Khan, Barakzai, Sadozai, Trans-Indus, Affirmation, Istiqlal Afghansitan, Sovereignty, Taliban regime, territorial integrity


This research article attempts to understand the British Imperial Policy towards Afghanistan in the early nineteenth century: Beginning with countering rival Imperial French influence in neighboring Iran and later, expansion of Imperialist Czarist/Soviet Russia into Central Asia. A critical analysis of Anglo-Afghan Treaties, Accords, Agreements, Memoranda, Conventions, Engagements and Protocols, signed during 1809-1930, reveals, the research argues, that the British took these diplomatic initiatives to: protect British possessions in colonial India and beyond; Expand towards North; And ousting rival imperial powers’ influence in the neighborhood. An unintended consequence has been definition, determination and demarcation of borders of modern state of Afghanistan, though, still vulnerable/questioned, especially, in times of stress. Lessons to be learnt by operatives of the successor state, i.e. Pakistan and current Afghan Taliban regime include: ensuring security; reaffirming inviolability of sovereignty and territorial integrity of respective successor states.




How to Cite

Noor-Ul-Amin, & Pari, S. . (2023). Anglo-Afghan Treaties, Accords, Agreements, Memoranda, Conventions, Engagements, Protocols (1809-1930) Impacting Pak-Afghan Relations: A Way Forward. The Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences, 31(2), 17-35. Retrieved from