Geology and Petrography of Metamorphic Rocks in Mauji and Reshian Area, District Muzaffarabad Azad Kashmir, Pakistan
Geological mapping was conducted in 13 km2 area in Mauji and Reshian, District Muzaffarabad, Azad Kashmir. The work has involved detailed petrographic studies. Metasedimentary rocks in the Mauji-Reshian area consist of graphite, pelite and arenaceous schists with minor gypsum and calcareous bands belonging to the Salkhalas. These rocks are intruded by biotite granite gneiss and numerous dolerite dykes. The metasediments have been metamorphosed under the green schist facies conditions. An almandine garnet schist has developed probably in the aureole around the biotite granite gneiss. The mineralogical assemblage of the schist together with the presence of gypsum and calcareous bands in the area is indicative of flysch type deposits as a result of sedimentation under shallow water marine conditions. The graphite schist is characterized by extremely fine grained quartz averaging 50 um in size, abundant carbonaceous material and ubiquitous presence of pyrite suggesting a black shale origin for these rocks.
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