Stratigraphic Control for The Age of Peshawar-Plain Magmatism, Northern Pakistan


  • Said Rahim Khan Geoscience Laboratories, Chak Shahzad, Islamabad
  • Mohammad Asif Khan National Centre of Excellence in Geology, University of Peshawar, Pakistan
  • Rab Nawaz Geological survey of Pakistan, Peshawar
  • Tahir Karim Geoscience Laboratories, Chak Shahzad, Islamabad


Recent mapping and stratigraphic analyses in the area at the north-eastern edge of the Peshawar plain has resulted in the recognition of a bimodal suite of basic and acidic volcanics. These volcanics occupy specific stratigraphic horizons in the Jafar Kandao Formation, whose age is well constrained between Carboniferrous and Early Permian, on the basis of conodont studies. It is suggested that the basic volcanics are extrusive equivalents of the extensive suite of basic dykes and sills found in the internal zone of the Indian plate, while the acid volcanics are counterpart of the A-type granites of Warsak, Ambela, and Shewa-Shahbazgarhi. This study provides a stratigraphic control for the age of the Peshawar-plain magmatism.


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How to Cite

Khan, S. R., Khan, M. A., Nawaz, R., & Karim, T. (1990). Stratigraphic Control for The Age of Peshawar-Plain Magmatism, Northern Pakistan. Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences, 23(1), 253-263. Retrieved from

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