Mineralogical constraints of the Shergarh Sar amphibolites, Allai Kohistan, northern Pakistan


  • Mohammad Tahir Shah National Centre of Excellence in Geology, University of Peshawar, Pakistan
  • M. Qasim Jan National Centre of Excellence in Geology, University of Peshawar, Pakistan


Shergarh Sar amphibolites, a part of the southern amphibolite belt, are widely exposed in the area around Bana in Allai Kohistan. Epidote-amphibolite is the main unit with scattered patches of garnet-bearing variety. Amphibole, epidote and in some, garnet are the main phases with minor amount of quartz, plagioclase, clinopyroxene, opaque oxides and rutile. Amphiboles range in composition from tchermakitic-hornblende to actinolite with magnesio-homblende as an intermediate phase. This transition is marked by decrease in WAI Ti, alkalies and Fe2+/Mg ratio and increase in Si. Epidote occurs as large crystals (both zoned and unzoned) with low Ps contents (9-15) and as small granular aggregates with high Ps contents (17-27). Garnet occurs sporadically in the form of porphyroblasts and is found in association with leucocretic veins. It is chemically unzoned and is predominantly made up of almandine-grossular-pyrope solid solution. Plagioclase ranges from, An27 to pure albite and Clinopyroxene is chemically homogeneous diopside.

Petrographic observations and thermobarometry that the rocks were initially equilibrated under amphibolite facies with overprinting of greenschist facies assemblage. This retrogression may have been facilitated by shearing during the obduction (uplift-cooling) of the rocks along the Indus suture following their Eocene collision with the Indian plate.


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How to Cite

Shah, M. T., & Jan, M. Q. (1993). Mineralogical constraints of the Shergarh Sar amphibolites, Allai Kohistan, northern Pakistan. Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences, 26(1), 59-73. Retrieved from http://ojs.uop.edu.pk/jhes/article/view/1444

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