اردو کا نسائی ادب: روایت، مشکلات، امکانات


  • Dr. Rehana Kousar Associate Professor Department of Urdu Lahore College for women University, Lahore.


Female, Urdu, Language, Literature, Poetry, Novel, Short Story



Irrespective of the region of language, both male and female play a part in its development. Since day one females have played a very significant part in the construction and development of Urdu Language. This is also true that in this context, they have faced many hurdles. Like other departments of life, they have faced marginalization in literature as well. Both despite all that females have made their presence felt in all genres of literature such as journalism, poetry, novel, short story, biography and travelogue, and played a vital  role in the development of knowledge and literature through excellent pieces of works. This article throws light on the creative efforts of females in Urdu Literature and it ties to prove that females have proved their mettle by writing excellently and hence earned name through those writings.



2021-08-16 — Updated on 2021-08-18


How to Cite

Dr. Rehana Kousar. (2021). اردو کا نسائی ادب: روایت، مشکلات، امکانات. Khayaban - خیابان, 44(01), 48-55. Retrieved from http://ojs.uop.edu.pk/khayaban/article/view/463 (Original work published August 16, 2021)


