فکر اقبال کی تشکیل میں تعلیمات و انوار محمدی ﷺ کی معنویت
Iqbal, Iqbal and Religion, Iqbal and the Prophet, Religion and LiteratureAbstract
The rays of the revolutionary thoughts of Muhammad (PBUH) could be easily observed in the Urdu as well as in Persian poetry of Allama Muhammad Iqbal. That is the only source of inspiration for Iqbal and the effect of the glorious thought of that great personality in human history has influenced the poetry of Iqbal. Iqbal has analyzed the all the contemporary systems of life for example Capitalism , Socialism , Communism , democracy , fascism and compared these systems with Islamic way of life and with the thoughts of Muhammad (PBUH). In this research paper the researcher has analyzed the affects of teachings of Muhammad (PBUH) on the poetry of Iqbal in full detail.Downloads
How to Cite
Dr. Anwar ul Haq. (2018). فکر اقبال کی تشکیل میں تعلیمات و انوار محمدی ﷺ کی معنویت. Khayaban - خیابان, 38(01), 57-62. Retrieved from http://ojs.uop.edu.pk/khayaban/article/view/826

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