نثار عزیز بٹ کے ناولو ں کا مختصر تجزیہ
Urdu Novel, Urdu Female Authors, Urdu and FeminismAbstract
ABSTRACT The article scans and analyzed novels by lesser acclaimed but gifted with richly craft female author Nisar Aziz Butt. Her novels been analyzed in the article along with views of other critics. It is discovered that Nisar could be termed as the most neglected female author of Urdu, as the themes, techniques and treatment by her pen prove her to stand along with giants of Urdu fiction. It is concluded that the quality and perspective presented in her novels are gifts of her in-depth and diverse reading; while her neglect is mainly due to her personal choice to be away from limelight.Downloads
How to Cite
Neelam, & Dr. Rubina Shaheen. (2018). نثار عزیز بٹ کے ناولو ں کا مختصر تجزیہ. Khayaban - خیابان, 38(01), 78-94. Retrieved from http://ojs.uop.edu.pk/khayaban/article/view/828

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