اردو ادب کے ابتدائی نقوش اور پشتون اہل قلم
Pashto Writers, Urdu, Pashto, Pronunciation, Early Impressions, Poetry, Persian, ProseAbstract
The prevailing Urdu is a rich language having very vast literary backround since very long. About the birth and becoming the literary language few regional concepts come into force in Indian sub-continent that were determined by geographical and historical factors in addition to linguistic structure and literary backround. Different scholars have broght forward their own concepts about the birth and initial writings of Urdu. Keeping in mind the Punjab’s concept, it is historically described that Muslims in the shape of different mobs came into Punjab from Afhanistan through Khyber Pass and after their arrival Urdu has been emerged as a literary language as a result of their interaction with local people. They were the Khilgi Pathans and other Pashtoon tribes who gave literary status to this language.
When Urdu was called Hindi, Hndvi, or Hindustani, Afghans have played a prominent role in its initial formation and when the language was called Urdu, Deccani and Gujarati etc.They where the Pashtoons who distinguished themselves as its writers. The reason is that during the formation and becoming into a literary language most parts of Indian sub-continent were ruled by Afghans and they had reached to every corner of the country. This is the very Hindvi or Hindustani language in the formation and becoming a literary language of which Iranians, Turks and Mangols had taken part along-with Afghans, therefore a number of initial literary writings are available, produced by the Pashtoon. This articule deals with the said initial writing which may call literary beginning of Urdu Language
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