مجید امجد کی نظموں میں انسان کی کم مائیگی و بے بضاعی کا احساس: زمان و مکاں کی وسعتوں کے تناظر
مجید امجد, بے بضاعی, کم مائیگی, احساس, زمان و مکانAbstract
Majeed Amjad is a seminal name in Urdu poetry. In his poetry the basic theme that stands out is the vast expanse of the universe and Man's place in the larger Cosmic scheme. In the many poems that have been discussed in the following Article, the poet has enunciated his understanding of the universe and Man's place therein. Of course, Man is limited, limited by his span on this earth, constrained by his understanding which is still at an embryonic stage vis a vis the expanses and mysteries of the universe and limited by the very fact that howsoever indifferent or mysterious this cosmos appears, Man has to make do with his limitations. Majeed Amjad in the poems under discussion has delved deep into the mysteries of our cosmos, has permeated the intricacies of time and space, yet still remains firmly on the ground remaining cognizant of the fact that Man has to play on the pitch available to him and has to play well within himself. In this Article an effort has been made to gauge how Amjad looks at the impossible situation that he and by implication, modern man finds himself in, and, how and what the poet suggests is the way forward to get out of this rut. Decidedly Majeed Amjad is a stalwart poet. The subjects that imbibe his poetry add a fresh colour and a much profounder perspective to the ouverte of Urdu poetry. In this article, the present scribe has made an effort to gauge what Amjad set out to convey in his poem ' Mere Khuda, Mere Dil’. Amjad has a knack for introducing a variety of subjects within a single poem. His grip over his craft is so tight that each subject retains its own pertinence while becoming at the same time a composite whole. In this poem too, diverse issues like beginning of time and composition of the cosmos, poet's unique perspective on life and his intransigence to keep insisting on his particular way of life while being confronted by a merciless, crass society and above all, proximity of human heart with whatever we understand of the concept of the Almighty have been beautifully blended in a composite whole.
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